Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day Part Deux

A few weeks ago some people celebrated Earth Hour. My friend does this with her family every year. And I usually end up being there when they are celebrating. For one hour, they turn out all the lights and unplug things and have fun in the dark for an hour. I've been wanting to do this with my kids for a while. So tonight, we decided to extend Earth Day for an extra hour.

We played hide and seek in the dark. The seeker wore all the glow stuff and the hider got to arrange the glow stuff however they wanted. Then they took turns finding each other in the dark. I even hid a couple of times.

Then we passed around the ball made from glow sticks. The only problem was that they kept popping out of the hubs. Next time I'm going to super glue those suckers in!

We told some progressive stories in which each person took a turn telling a part. I found out how obsessed my middle child in particular is with Wii. He made sure to incorporate it in whenever it was his turn.

For the last 15 minutes, the kids put on a dance recital while I videotaped part. I would share that, but it was mostly just chaos- not really worthy of sharing here. ;)

The kids were pretty hyped up during this time, and I was worried that they might not fall asleep very well(they got to take the glow stuff to bed), but they went out surprisingly well. It was a fabulous time. I think they're looking forward to our next celebration of Earth Hour.

The two kids together



And Jayden had fun, too, but he isn't really into holding still for pictures, so just imagine a blur of color here. ;)

1 comment:

Crystal said...

how fun! what a great way to remind kids that you don't need to plug in to have fun! :) thanks for stopping by! :)