Monday, September 7, 2009

Life's ramblings

We've been housesitting/dogsitting for Mark's aunt since Thursday. It's been sort of like a mini vacation- even though we are about a 10 minute drive from his mom's place. The kids have been enjoying playing in the nice big backyard and getting to sleep in the loft room with a tv to watch videos before bedtime.

Mark went to the Penny Arcade Expo this weekend. If you are interested in that, you could check out his new website at I guess I wouldn't be a very good wife if I didn't help him promote his site. It's a site dedicated to technology, gadgets, and Christianity(although, even if you aren't a Christian, you'd probably enjoy it). He's hoping that it will take off and help supplement his writing career, so if you care at all about our financial well-being, go visit and tell your friends! ;) Views expressed on his blog are not necessarily the views of his wife, so if he offends you in any way, be sure to tell him(and don't blame me ;))

Anyway, I'm glad to have him back with our family again. Even though he came home at night(late), I miss having him around and having someone to tag team the kids with me!

I enjoyed Labor Day today with the kids while Mark labored. I took the older two to see the movie "Up." It was playing in the cheap theater(although the popcorn made up for that!) Later today we had fun with Auntie Kim. The kids really love having her around!

Tonight I got a bit of a laugh. Jayden was playing around in his playpen for quite a while. Every once in a while, he would protest his captivity, and I wasn't sure if I was going to have to bring him out or let him calm himself to sleep. At about 10:45 he was singing(na,na,na na na na na naaaaaa!) to himself, and when I went back a few minutes later, he was out cold. Isaiah had fallen asleep before Kyrie came down to ask one of us to snuggle with her, but when she went back upstairs, he woke up crying, so Mark brought him down to our bed. Kyrie was still begging someone to snuggle with her, so I finished up what I was doing and headed up stairs to oblige. She was out of it, too! Kids are so funny sometimes!

Well, that's a bit of a rambling of what has been happening the past week. Tomorrow the kids start school officially. I'm supposed to be getting a phone call from their new teacher to introduce themselves. Hopefully I'll be able to find out how to get Isaiah into the right level of curriculum. Until then, I'll work with him from Kyrie's old stuff that we didn't use at the beginning since it was sent late last year.

I am hoping that by tomorrow I'll get photos and some video posted. I always think blogs are more interesting with pictures. The software we have for our video camera isn't compatible with my new computer, so I'm at the mercy of my loving husband to upload the stuff on his.


Unknown said...

Oh, the singing himself to sleep is priceless! I wish my kids would do that. Bedtime is always such a difficult time and it makes me so irritable...but I'm trying to remember it won't be like this forever and I should just enjoy it!

Lara Neves said...

Sorry...that last comment was from me. Husband was signed in. :)

Mrs.Oz said...

Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Nice to meecha:)
It's hard when you are the only one either way. A support system is so important when you are homeschooling. If you remain called to continue, I hope you can make some encouraging connections:).

Shellie Paparazzo said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one with random posts. I just like to write, but I don't know what makdes me think that someday I could do it professionally. I'm too scatterbrained and inconsistent to actually keep deadlines and have anything to write about all the time!